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Boost your Skills

How to transform Experience into Expertise with the Learning Loop

When I learned about TDD it boosted my productivity as a developer and made my professional life easier. By following this simple cycle, I was able to efficiently and effectively transform specifications into working software in an iterative manner. I’ve always wondered if there is something that supports the learning process in the same way, knowing it is also a crucial part of my job. As my career progressed, I accumulated practices that helped me speed up my learning. However, it wasn’t until I read the book “Get Better at Anything” by Scott H. Young that all the pieces fitted into a picture that worked for me: the Learning Loop.

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Developer's Guide to Software Estimation

Episode I: The Basics

Getting asked about estimations was my worst nightmare when I started my career as a software engineer.Writing software was easy for me because I was familiar with design patterns, architecture styles, and principles in software engineering. But when it came to giving a forecast for a new project, I was lost. Where should I start? Where should I end? What principles should I follow and what methods can I use? To make matters worse, there were high expectations for a sound estimate. It was often crucial to the profit of my company. But how can I provide a forecast that meets all expectations and is profound at the same time?

After many years of reading articles and books on this topic and experimenting with different approaches, I came up with 10 basic tips that help me with this challenge. Here is what I’ve learned so far.

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Service Level Management the DevOps Way

Service Level Indicators and Objectives in Action

With the shift to DevOps product teams take responsibility for the overall reliability of a system. As a consequence they need a service level management that goes beyond merely measuring the availability and uptime of servers. Service Level Indicators and Objectives help them to achieve this by specifying and monitoring reliability from a user perspective. Together with methods from software architecture and domain driven design this approach can be seamlessly integrated into the accustomed development process.

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DDD Value Objects

Implementation Patterns for Kotlin

It is exciting for me to learn a new programming language, since it provides me with the opportunity to solve common programming problems more efficiently. In my primary area of work, back office business applications, Domain Driven Design (DDD) is widely used. So, when I switched from Java to Kotlin, I was curious to see how my new main language applies to these patterns . My first step was to learn about implementation alternatives of value objects, a concept for modelling data in DDD.

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Event Storming Notation explained

Your process as a sequence of state transitions

In learning about event storming, the hardest part for me was memorizing the order in which the different card types appear along the time line. As a result, I usually carried a cheat sheet like this with me.

Event Storming Legend

I was bothered by its logic, however. It took me a while to figure out what it was about. I was able to make sense of it only after following the design process step by step for the first time. I would like to share this experience with you in this article by looking at an online shop’s order process.

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Release Rollback

Zurück auf Anfang

Trotz aller Tests im Vorfeld lassen sich Fehler im Release einer neuen Softwareversion nicht immer vermeiden. Zum Glück werden sie meist schnell entdeckt und lassen sich durch ein einfaches “Fix Forward” beheben. Leider gibt es aber Fälle, bei denen die Fehleranalyse sehr aufwändig und gleichzeitig ihre Auswirkung auf die Nutzbarkeit des Produktes gravierend ist. Man denke nur an Memory Leaks oder Dead Locks, die nicht nur durch klassische Tests vorm Deployment schwer zu erkennen sind, sondern in der Regel auch eine zeitaufwändige Ursachenforschung erforderlich machen.

Um in solchen Fällen die Einschränkungen für den Nutzer gering zu halten, liegt es nah, einfach wieder auf die vorherige Softwareversion zurückzugehen. Doch was so einfach klingt, ist in der Praxis oft mit Schwierigkeiten verbunden. Es gilt einmal mehr: “Everything comes with a price tag.”

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Risikomanagement in der Architekturarbeit

mit Transparenz Gefahren meistern

Softwareentwicklung ist nichts für Feiglinge! Als Entwickler wissen wir, was so alles schiefgehen kann in den Produkten, die wir bauen. Immer wieder gehen wir in der Entwicklung Kompromisse ein, sei es um Aufwände zu sparen oder aber schlichtweg, weil die technischen Mittel nicht ausreichen, um allen Anforderungen uneingeschränkt gerecht zu werden. Doch sind diese Schwachstellen unserer Software Architektur auch unseren Product Ownern bewusst? Schließlich sind sie es ja, die am Ende des Tages die damit verbundenen Risiken tragen müssen? Ein einfaches Risikomanagement in der Architekturarbeit kann hier die notwendige Transparenz schaffen.

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